2 months

Quick note to say all is well. I'm finally getting used to life without glasses - though I still sometimes reach for them on my face, when it's not there. Phantom Glasses. Makes me smirk with a bit of smugness haha.

My corneal tattoo procedure got pushed back: though I should have it done within the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned and sorry for the delay, readers!

There is no 2 month check-up, so I'll have more to report back at my "3 month" appointment in June (technically 4 months, but 3 from the last check up - yes, confusing, I know). I am going on my first vacation post-op before my 3 month appointment: very excited to experience travelling without my usual massive eye care contact kit + spare glasses, etc.

One other fun thing I tried recently: you know when people with 20/20 vision ask to try your glasses? Your "crazy" prescription? And when they do, they're like, "Whoaaaaa... OMG you must be blind!" Yeah. That. Used to get that all the time, but I could never imagine or test out what that was like - i would never know the difference between 20/20 vision and my pre-ICL uncorrected vision. Well, I gave that I try last week - with my own glasses. And I had pretty much the same reaction... "Whoaaaa! OMG I was so blind!" It was really nice to be on the other side of the table. :)

On that note, I have been Spring Cleaning and collected + donated all of my old glasses, clip-on sunglasses, etc. and threw out the last of my contact solution, cases & spares. Good riddance! :)


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