
Showing posts from 2014

1.25 Years Later

Just had my eyes checked with my regular annual optometrist. Despite still having 20/20 right eye and a 20/30 left eye, she is recommending reading glasses. I'm not sure if this is a money making tactic, but I'm refusing at this point... I see fine, but I do notice the difference (improvement) with the sample glasses she provided to help me understand the difference. It's a minute one, but it's definitely there as someone who reads a lot. So no glasses for now - I'm holding out! It's too soon. haha. I'm not looking forward to bifocals, which will likely happen within the next 10+ years of my life! The weather has been beautiful & sunny - and I love putting on my Ray Bans everyday, instead of some terrible pre-ICL alternative (when I had glasses)!

One Year Anniversary!

Today marks exactly 1 year since I - and 2 others I met in the pre-surgery "green room" - signed our eyes away and let ourselves go under the knife. What a journey it has been - and one that I do not regret - despite the few tiny bumps & issues along the way. Though I will always fear early onset cataracts, the potential contraction of distance between the ICL and natural lens, [insert other risks] - these are worries that only time will tell. Thanks for the questions. Hope you all find your answers!