two weeks later

It has been just over two weeks since my surgery - and just over a week since my post-op 1 week follow-up - which means I am officially done my crazy antibiotic eye drop regiment and all restrictions are off!

Vision is good/great. Right eye is very clear (though probably still 20/25 I'm guessing). Left eye is still a little less clear than my right (guessing I'm still stuck at 20/30). Together, the doctor said they work at 20/25, so I'm happy with them. I still get phantom glasses syndrome - randomly grabbing at my face for my glasses to take them off, or push them up, when they're non-existent. I feel like I always have to excitedly tell someone when that happens! I threw out my contacts, donated my leftover Optifree solution & stored my old glasses. Felt amazing and cathartic. My vision gets a little blurry only when I have dry eyes.

New side-effect revelation: I do feel like I see a bit of streaky/haloey aberrations around light sources in low-light situations (particularly at restaurants in the evening) -- specifically around the edges / periphery of my vision (I always had regular streaky/haloes at night before the surgery). It's difficult to describe, but definitely new/something I hadn't experienced pre-surgery. I have to almost focus on or look for it in order to see it. It's not a big deal, but something new I noticed. My white line glare from the iridotomies is still alive and well unfortunately, so I will continue to press for the corneal tattooing procedure I have been offered later this year. Otherwise, vision is great -- even compared to glasses & contacts -- given the aberrations that exist and the non-20/20 vision I got. My contacts were always dry, irritated and cloudy/dirty feeling. Glasses were always fingerprinty & greasy over the course of the day. My face feels free!

Another new experience: I notice that I'm always testing my vision quality everywhere I go - from subways to shopping malls. Straining to read tiny letter from far away haha. I am also deeply fearful of anything getting close to my eyes, even though I can behave normally now. I am always wearing my sunglasses (though I don't have to wear the crazy looking post-surgery ones they gave me: back to my much more fashionable Marc Jacobs lol). I wear them especially when it's windy, raining or snowing. Even when it's dark! I think the surgery gave me a bit of OCD paranoia. I'm sure I'll get over it soon: better safe than sorry! *bats snowflakes away from face/eyes* agh! LOL.

In addition to being post-op restriction & eye drop free, I no longer need to sleep with eye patches - though I fearfully now wear an eye mask to sleep in case I wake up rubbing my eyes. I seem to have been doing this lately. Dry eyes = itchy eyes. I can shower normally again and lift things over 10lbs! Looking forward to maybe hitting the gym later today. Freedom! Will report back after the one month follow-up. Fingers crossed for further improvements :)


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