
Showing posts from May, 2020

7.5 Years Later

Been a while since I’ve posted. Saw my ophthalmologist today. Vision is still 20/20. The distance between my ICL and natural lens shrank from 112 microns to closer to 100 microns. Apparently 90 microns is when the risk factor becomes serious. So the doctor said nothing to worry about for now as  there may not be any changes in the future, but if things get worse we will look at options given the increased risk of early onset cataracts. Two options exist. First, an additional iridotomy-based procedure which I would not be a fan of given the white line glare issues I’ve already written about in the past here. Second would be swapping out the lens which would essentially involve another ICL procedure. Something to consider for future years — fingers crossed I don’t get there and the vault space stays where it is! Hope you’re all staying safe in this crazy year! :/ Overall, eyes have been great to date! I shall keep monitoring.